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ENROLL NOW Property Tax Protection Program™

Brazos County Property Tax Protest - Apartments

Brazos County apartment owners overall property values over seven years increased from $1.73 B to $3 B in 2021. The filing rate for all of the apartment owners by their value was 83%. Multifamily properties had a market value of $3 B in 2021, with a protested amount of $2.6 B. Tax savings from all types of properties totaled $12.28 million, including informal and appraisal board hearings, plus $1.31 M from judicial appeals.

The appeal rate of apartment owners related to homeowners is 83% versus 13%.

With O’Connor by your side, you can even the odds of receiving a great tax reduction when you go up against the appraisal review board to change your property values. The Property Tax Protection Program™ has no upfront fees, no flat fees, or market-cut fees. We don't charge you anything until we have reduced the tax on your property for the year. Sign up for the program today!

BrazosCAD Apartments Property Tax Summary

Market ValueMultifamily / Apartments $3,060,606,297
Number Multifamily / Apartment Property Tax Protests 1,138
$ Value Multifamily/Apartment Protested $2,552,775,149
# Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily / Apartments on ARB Values 41
ARB Value of All Lawsuits Filed for Multifamily $782,462,274
$ Reduction Property Tax Lawsuits for Multifamily Current Year $35,013,503