Property Tax Protection Program
Property Tax Protection Program – every practical effort is made to reduce your property taxes, including appeals to the highest appropriate level each year, whether that is to the informal hearing, appraisal review board hearing, binding arbitration or coordinating a judicial appeal.
- You never pay a nickel for anything unless we reduce your property taxes.
- Assist you with exemption questions and applications at no cost.
- Work with you to confirm the appraisal district is not overstating the size or condition or grade of your home.
- Discuss photos and other documentation that can make a real difference in your results.
- The largest value reduction O’Connor obtained in binding arbitration for a house is more than $10 million.

The Property Tax Protection Program includes reviewing all accounts for binding arbitration and then filing binding arbitration or coordinating a judicial appeal for about 4,000 to 8,000 accounts.
There are two options after the appraisal review board

Binding arbitration is best for accounts under $5 million (except no limit on homesteads) where there is clear evidence of an error in market value.

Judicial appeals are frequently coordinated for commercial over $750,000 and residential over $1,500,000.
You benefit from the Property Tax Protection Program for a variety of reasons
- All practical efforts are made each and every year to reduce your property taxes for all your accounts (if more than 1).
- There is never a fee unless we reduce your property taxes. We do not have a flat fee (unless the client seeks that fee format which is unusual). We do not charge for “cap cuts” or “market value cuts”. We will NEVER send an invoice unless we have reduced your property taxes.
- Some years are good – typically 6 to 7 out of 10 will result in tax reduction for you.
- The other 3 to 4 years out of 10 we strike out. Most often due to people issues in the hearing process. Some years we get an easy appraiser at the informal; some years someone who is impossible to settle with. Same for the Appraisal Review Board; some years include reasonable people willing to consider the evidence. Other ARBs vote for the appraisal district 99% of the time (really).
- It is not possible to predict in advance which years will be successful based on an increase in value or some other factor. The primary determinant of success is the people factor at the informal hearing and the ARB.
- Each year we reach out to you for pictures and other evidence. It can be provided via the client portal ( ) or by email to: (be sure to include property address).
- Extensive hearing evidence file is prepared prior to your hearing(s) each year. The typical file has 50 to 125 pages and includes 35 types of relevant information. Our evidence is much more extensive and comprehensive than the appraisal district’s evidence.
- We suit and show up every year. Woody Allen is quoted as saying that “80% of success in life is showing up”. We show up every year, good years and bad years, well prepared, to advocate for the lowest property taxes for your property.
- Our analysis shows a cumulative benefit to appealing annually since the appraisal district considers the prior year, in some cases, in settling the current year.
- You can be penalized for not protesting. If you did not protest last year because you were busy, the value does not change, and you protest this year, the appraiser may proclaim, “Well, you accepted this value last year. You did not protest. Values are higher now. Why are you here?”
- The same is true for not filing a judicial appeal on a large commercial property. Assume the prior year value was $10 million after the appraisal review board, but you were busy and did not follow up. The value is “rolled” and is also $10 million in the current year. When you ask for a reduction, expect, “You agreed to last year’s value by not filing a judicial appeal. Why should I agree to change it now?”
- All accounts that have an appraisal review board (ARB) hearing are reviewed regarding a coordinated judicial appeal or binding arbitration. We do not believe any other firm screens all ARB files for additional appeal nor does any firm (to our knowledge) pay the binding arbitration fees for thousands of clients.
If we pursue binding arbitration, we:
1) pay the filing fee of $450 or more,
2) prepare evidence on market value,
3) prepare evidence on unequal appraisal and
4) either negotiate a settlement or attend the binding arbitration hearing.
- If O’Connor coordinates a judicial appeal, it pays the attorneys, expert witnesses, filing fees and court fees.
- O’Connor makes property taxes “one and done”.
- Go with the leader. No other company represents more clients or handles more appeals.
- Estimated property tax savings for clients in 2019 was $95 million.
ENROLL TODAY In the Property Tax Protection Program™
Your property taxes will be aggressively protested every year by one of the largest property tax consulting firms. If your taxes are not reduced you PAY NOTHING, and a portion of the tax savings is the only fee you pay when your taxes are reduced! Many FREE benefits come with enrollment.