Property Tax Inquiries Call 713.290.9700

Property Tax Protection Program

Property Tax Protection Program – every practical effort is made to reduce your property taxes, including appeals to the highest appropriate level each year, whether that is to the informal hearing, appraisal review board hearing, binding arbitration or coordinating a judicial appeal.

  • You never pay a nickel for anything unless we reduce your property taxes.
  • Assist you with exemption questions and applications at no cost.
  • Work with you to confirm the appraisal district is not overstating the size or condition or grade of your home.
  • Discuss photos and other documentation that can make a real difference in your results.
  • The largest value reduction O’Connor obtained in binding arbitration for a house is more than $10 million.
property tax protection

The Property Tax Protection Program includes reviewing all accounts for binding arbitration and then filing binding arbitration or coordinating a judicial appeal for about 4,000 to 8,000 accounts.​

There are two options after the appraisal review board

Binding arbitration is best for accounts under $5 million (except no limit on homesteads) where there is clear evidence of an error in market value.

Judicial appeals are frequently coordinated for commercial over $750,000 and residential over $1,500,000.

ENROLL TODAY In the Property Tax Protection Program™

Your property taxes will be aggressively protested every year by one of the largest property tax consulting firms. If your taxes are not reduced you PAY NOTHING, and a portion of the tax savings is the only fee you pay when your taxes are reduced! Many FREE benefits come with enrollment.

Property Tax Protection Program Benefits