Property Tax Inquiries Call 713.290.9700

Wise County Appraisal District’s formal and informal hearing results are displayed below. The Wise County Appraisal District total tax savings in 2020 of $14 million is more than the 2019 total property tax savings of $12 million. Wise County property owners protested the taxable value of 10,110 accounts in 2020. Wise County property tax protests were successful for 37% of informal and 62% of appraisal review board property tax protests. Homeowners saved $0.09 million at Wise CAD in informal protests and $3 million in appraisal review board (ARB) property tax protests.


Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.

Property Taxes vs CPI

Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.

CAD Operations Stats

Wise County Appraisal District CAD

About CAD

  • County: Wise
  • Street Address: 400 E. Business 380 Decatur, TX 76234-3165
  • Mailing Address: 400 E. Business 380 Decatur, TX 76234-3165
  • Phone: 940-627-3081
  • Website: Wise County Appraisal District Website

Wise Central Appraisal District

Major Cities: Aurora, Bridgeport, Decatur (county seat), Fort Worth (mostly in Tarrant County with small parts in Denton, Parker and Wise Counties), Lake Bridgeport, New Fairview, Newark (small part in Tarrant County), Paradise, Rhome, Runaway Bay

Wise County Texas totals 54 square miles, with a 2020 population of about 68,632. Adjacent counties include Montague County (north), Cooke County (northeast), Denton County (east), Tarrant County (southeast), Parker County (south) and Jack County (west). The total market value of real property and personal property in Wise County in 2020 was $13,000,000,000. Wise County 2020 property taxes are estimated to total $143,700 million based on an effective tax rate of 2.4% including homestead exemptions. Wise County property owners protested the noticed value for 2,330 houses and 7,780 commercial and BPP properties. Wise County Appraisal Review Board appeals were successful for 62% of the owners. Property owner property tax protests in Wise County results in savings of $30,000,000 million in 2020, or $2,967.35 per account protested. The 2020 budget for the Wise was $2,250,000 including 21 employees.

Average Property Tax Savings from Protesting (Informal + Formal)

  • Residential Property $343
  • Commercial Property $1,966

August 2023

Wise County property owners gained an estimated $7.6 million in property tax savings in 2021 through informal and formal hearings. Of this amount, $441,372 in estimated tax savings came from informal hearings and $7.2 million in estimated tax savings was reached through Appraisal Review Board hearings.

July 2023

Property owners protesting at Appraisal Review Board Hearings in the Wise County Appraisal District receive an estimated tax savings of $7.2 million when the ARB reduced tax assessments by $289 million in 2021.

June 2023

A $17.6 million reduction in assessed values by the Wise County Appraisal District’s informal hearings allow for property tax savings to Wise County property owners of an estimated $441,372.

May 2023

100% of accounts brought to the Wise County Appraisal District and settled through the informal process received a reduction. In other words, 1,135 out of 719 cases resolved informally accepted a lower value.

April 2023

9,115 property tax protests to the ARB were filed by Wise County property owners in 2021. By value, this is 8% or $1 billion.

March 2023

Wise County Appraisal District states the total market value of single-family houses in 2021 as $4 billion. This is equivalent to $4 billion of the entire market value for all property types in the county. The total value of all property types is $14 billion.

February 2023

The Wise County Appraisal District’s budget in 2021 was $2 million. This budget was stretched to appraise 215,900 tax parcels. It is easy to work out that this is only about $10 per tax parcel.

January 2023

Wise County Appraisal District estimates the value of land, houses, multifamily, personal property, utilities and industrial property. Property taxes are based on multiplying the tax assessments, less any exemptions, times the tax rate set by local tax entities. There is no state property tax. The total property tax assessments before tax exemptions for 2021 by Wise CAD was $14 billion. Wise County annual property taxes are $356 million based on a 2.5% tax rate.

Wise County Property Tax Appraisal

Oconnor is the leading company representative for the Wise County Appraisal District property owners because:

  • For over 20 years, O’Connor has provided property tax consulting services in the Wise County Appraisal District and has continuously produced results.
  • O’Connor is the most aggressive property tax consultant.
  • We know the processes and appropriate contracts at Wise County Appraisal District.
  • Our experience has allowed us to compile sales and unequal appraisal data consistent with the format expected by the Wise County Appraisal District and the Wise County Appraisal Review Board.

Wise County Property Tax Appraisal records

Property owners seeking to enroll in the

Property Tax Protection Program

  • Enter your information below to enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program and have your property taxes protested.

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  • Call 713.290.9700 to discuss with a representative.

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Property Tax Protection Program Benefits