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Travis Central Appraisal District

Local Appraisal District

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No cost unless taxes reduced, guaranteed.

Travis Central Appraisal District’s (CAD) formal and informal hearing results are displayed below.

  • In comparison to the $409 million total property tax reductions in 2022, Travis County property owners saved $683 million in 2023. In 2023, Travis County property owners protested the taxable value of 180,960 accounts.
  • In Travis County, 82% of informal protests and 91% of formal protests made with the Appraisal Review Board (ARB) were successful in 2023.
  • In ARB property tax protests, homeowners saved $263 million, while informally, $23 million was saved at Travis CAD.
  • Approximately 36% of Travis County property parcels were disputed in 2021; this percentage essentially rose to 38% in 2023.
  • The number of protests in Travis CAD went down to 141 thousand in 2021, but it steadily increased to 181 thousand in 2023.

Texas property owners make the decision to use O’Connor as their property tax consultant for the following reasons:

  • O’Connor’s aggressive approach to property tax protests uses every avenue available including informal hearings, Appraisal Review Board (ARB) hearings, binding arbitration, SOAH (State Office of Administrative Hearing) and coordinating judicial appeals.
  • Based on conducting millions of tax appeals throughout Texas, we have developed an in-depth understanding of what is needed to reduce your property taxes.
  • O’Connor develops an extensive file for each property tax protest, often 50 to 100 pages of evidence regarding both market value and unequal appraisal. Our proprietary software tailors the evidence to a format the appraisal district prefers.
  • O’Connor has the experience and expertise necessary to assemble uneven appraisal data and sales to satisfy the guidelines set by the Travis Central Appraisal District (CAD) and Travis County Appraisal Review Board (ARB).


Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.

Property Taxes vs CPI

Disclaimer: O’Connor is a property tax consultant and is not affiliated with any appraisal district. Data for graphs provided by Texas comptroller.

CAD Operations Stats

Travis County Appraisal District

About CAD

  • County: Travis
  • Street Address: 8314 Cross Park Dr. Austin, TX 78754-5195
  • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 149012 Austin, TX 78714-9012
  • Phone: 512-834-9317
  • Website:

travis county appraisal district

Major Cities: Austin, Del Valley, Garfield, Jollyville, Jonestown, Lago Vista, Lakeway, Manchaca, Pflugerville, Rollingwood, West Lake Hills

Travis County Texas totals 1,023 square miles, with a 2020 population of about 1,290,188. Adjacent counties include Williamson, Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Blanco, and Burnet. The total market value of real property and personal property in Travis County in 2020 was $282,000,000,000. Travis County 2020 property taxes are estimated to total $5,000,000,000 million based on an effective tax rate of 2.4% including homestead exemptions. Travis County property owners protested the noticed value for 86,690 houses and 37,420 commercial and BPP properties. Travis County Appraisal Review Board appeals were successful for 62% of the owners. Property owner property tax protests in Travis Central results in savings of $916,430,000 in 2020, or $7,384 per account protested. The 2020 budget for the Travis was $20,190,000 including 129 employees.

Average Property Tax Savings from Protesting (Informal + Formal)

  • Residential Property $416
  • Commercial Property $4,050

August 2023

In 2021, the Travis Central Appraisal District informal hearings resulted in an estimated tax savings of $32.5 million and ARB hearings resulted in an estimated tax savings of $197 million, for a total of $229 million property tax savings.

July 2023

Protests at the Travis County Appraisal Review Board in 2021 generated an estimated property tax savings of $197 million, based on the tax assessment reduction of $7.8 billion granted by the Travis Central Appraisal District ARB hearings.

June 2023

In 2021, the value reduction achieved at informal hearings at the Travis Central Appraisal District was equal to $1.3 billion, which provided a property tax savings of around $32.5 million.

May 2023

In 2021, according to the Texas Comptroller’s data, 30,057 accounts in Travis County were resolved informally. 65% of the informal settlements at the Travis Central Appraisal District, or 19,443 of these resulted in a reduction.

April 2023

The Travis Central Appraisal District has recorded 141,184 property tax protests filed to the Appraisal Review Board in 2021. This represents a market value of $165 billion, which is equal to 52% of the total market value for the year.

March 2023

The Travis Central Appraisal District states the total market value for all property categories in 2021 as $316 billion. Single-family residential properties account for $161 billion, which is 51% of the total market value.


The total Travis Central Appraisal District budget was $20 million for 2021. The appraisal district managed to value 163,122 total parcels in the same year, so one can do the math to see the average budget per tax parcel was about $124.

January 2023

Travis Central Appraisal District estimated the value of real estate and personal property at $316 billion in 2021. This tax base is estimated to generate $8 billion in Travis County property taxes based on a 2.5% tax rate.

Property owners seeking to enroll in the

Property Tax Protection Program

  • Enter your information below to enroll in the Property Tax Protection Program and have your property taxes protested.

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  • Call 713.290.9700 to discuss with a representative.

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Property Tax Protection Program Benefits